Reiki Colorado Academy
Devoted exclusively to energy healing since 2001
Founded by Susan Chiocchi
Bring Reiki to your Organization
Reiki is ideally suited as the foundation for a robust wellness program. Find out how to use self Reiki for relaxation, managing stress, pain management, anxiety, well being, insomnia, depression and more.
Share Reiki to create peer connection and support.
RCA can teach this healing art to your staff to empower their own self care and create belonging and community.
Learn Reiki
Being at our best requires that we include our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experiences as a synergistic whole. Reiki positively influences these aspects of who we are in their most malleable form, as energy. You can learn to do a basic Reiki healing session in a two day training.

Upcoming Reiki Trainings

About RCA
ReikiColorado Academy offers certification courses in the 3 level of Reiki and more. Our comprehensive trainings are taught by Susan Chiocchi with the assistance of a dedicated team of Reiki Master Teachers. We support and guide you and your team into the sacred mystery of transpersonal healing.
Our teaching programs are endorsed by the Watson Caring Science Institute.